90-120 minute consult in my office to help you overcome breastfeeding challenges. Includes medical and birth history for mother and baby, position and latch assistance, pre and post feeding weights if applicable, oral assessment for baby, and creating a feeding plan for mother and baby.
General consults are for addressing problems such as sore nipples, poor latch, slow weight gain, low milk supply, and for ongoing support throughout your feeding journey. Referrals to other healthcare professionals (OT/ PT, chiropractic, LMT, CST, or pediatric dentist etc.) given as needed. Recommendations for follow up with pediatric healthcare provider detailed at consult.
I offer plans for exclusive pumping, flange fitting, and balancing breast and bottle when back to work if needed. Adoptive breastfeeding, inducing lactation, and surrogate or gestational carrier consults are available.
Initial Office Consult: $175.
Follow up Consults: $75-$125 depending on complexity.
Check your insurance benefits for lactation consults (all plans except CIGNA):
Check your CIGNA plan for lactation consults:
Full visit or partial lactation consults and prenatal class fees may be reimbursed by your insurance company. Some insurances can be directly billed. FSA or HSA funds can be used for consults. I will provide a superbill with insurance codes if you choose to file for reimbursement. Here's a link that breaks down how reimbursement works.